Due to the localized flooding that is impacting access and egress coupled with the potential high-level snow melt, the RDKS has issued a Declaration of Local State of Emergency Order for Area ‘C’ & ‘B’ and issued Evacuation Orders for Old Remo and New Remo. See Evacuation Orders in the RDKS website link below for more information.
The Usk Cable/Arial car is closed. An Evacuation Alert remains for Usk and an Evacuation Alert was issued at 10:30 a.m. for Brauns Island. The RDKS continues to monitor these areas as well as Kitselas North Backroad, and Dutch Valley.
For those residents under Evacuation Order:
You must leave the area and Register at: Emergency Support Services (ESS) Reception Centre at the Terrace Sportsplex Multipurpose Room at 3320 Kalum Street. ESS number: 250-641-2443
• If you need transportation assistance from the area call 250-641-2443.
• Shut off all gas and electrical appliances, other than refrigerators and freezers.
• Close all windows and doors.
• Close gates (latch) but do not lock.
• Gather your family and, if you have room, take a neighbour or someone needing transportation. Do not use more vehicles than you have to.
• Take critical items (medicine, purse, wallet, and keys) only if they are immediately available. Take pets in pet kennels or on leash.
• Do not use the telephone unless you need emergency service.
There is room at the Thornhill Agricultural Fairgrounds at 3160 #2 Highway 16 East for RV’s and large animals upon request through ESS at 250-641-2443.
Information regarding flood preparedness, including the proper methods of sandbagging can be found by visiting https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/preparedbc/know-your-hazards/floods
Sandbag Stations: Sandbags and sand are available to RDKS and City of Terrace residents, at the following locations:
• Thornhill Volunteer Fire Department, 3128 Hwy 16 East. 8:30am-4:30 pm weekdays. After hours and weekends call number provided on gate. Volunteer Firefighters have filled 1500 sandbags for those needing a little more help (this location may change to address areas of need as the high-water event develops).
Security will be in place at Old Remo and New Remo to stop traffic from going into these flood areas. Members of the public are strongly reminded not to drive through areas near the river that may be experiencing rising waters nearby if they are not residents of the area. Emergency crews will need to be accessing the area and additional unnecessary traffic will hamper their ability to do so. A rising river is very dangerous—please stay safe and do not approach the riverbank.