On July 31, 2024, Terrace RCMP received a report of a female screaming for help on Dobbie Street in Terrace. The woman was shouting that a man had a gun and was threatening to shoot them.

Police attended the address and located the man in possession of an illegal baton. He was arrested and taken into custody. The woman had already departed and was found safe in a different location.

Police entered the house to ensure the occupants of the residence were safe as the initial report had been of a man threatening to shoot them. Once inside the house, additional weapons and drug paraphernalia were observed.

Officers exited the residence until a search warrant was obtained. On the evening of July 31, 2024, the search warrant was executed. The following list is a few of the items located:

  • Handguns
  • Assault rifles
  • Bolt action rifles
  • Shotguns
  • Other assorted firearms
  • Loaded prohibited magazines
  • Large quantity of ammunition

Following the search of the residence, the man was released with a number of conditions as well as a court date. Terrace RCMP will be forwarding the results of the investigation to BC Prosecution Services upon completion.


Released by:

Cst. Kelly Cates
Media Relations Officer
Terrace RCMP
Office: 250-638-7400

Email: kelly.cates@rcmp-grc.gc.ca