“This idea of a red dress. They're using the cell phone network to alert people throughout the region that someone's loved one is missing”.
MP Taylor Bacharach referring to the idea conceived by Leah Gazan, then by adopting the Amber Alert method of spreading word of missing or at risk children in the area proven to be 90% effective in finding and retrieving them safely to alerting people of an area that a First Nations or indigenous woman, girl or two spirited person is missing, enabling the public to help locate them nationwide.
“Should we go missing, we must be found because we're precious. You know, we're sisters were mothers, were aunties, were grandmothers. You know, there's a legacy of loss that happens any time an indigenous woman, girl or two spirit person, you know, loses their life to violence. Or when families don't have closure and they lose loved ones. We need to change that”. – MP, Leah Gazan
On May 3rd, at 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, the Red Dress champions are hosting a free online event for the general public to gather feedback regarding the idea and the parameters that would make up the final alert system, a system that has been gaining traction in the House of Commons and mentioned in the budget but not sold on commitment just yet from the feds.
For more information or to register for the event, go to https://taylorbachrach.ndp.ca/reddress
MP. Bacharach has also said that this event will be posted on his Facebook page as well. The MP has expressed their excitement in hosting the event and look forward to hosting everyone and anyone who's interested.